Friday, June 8, 2012

Diary entries-creative writing

September 16, 2000

Dear diary,

Today there was a new kid. They said he was from Washington. I have always wanted to go there. Anyway, his name is Daniel, but everyone calls him Danny. He told us a little about himself, like how many siblings he has, and where his new house is. I was shocked when he told us that he was thirteen. He must have started early, or got held back a year. Either way that meant that he was now the oldest of the class, a title that I held dear, but I didn’t care I was just glad to see a new face. When he finished talking he asked where to sit, the teacher told him to sit where ever. There was like five empty seats, but he choice the chair next to me. He looked at me and asked me what my name was. “Araina” I blurted out, the whole class looked at me. I swear I was blushing, but I didn’t know if I was blushing because I got embarrassed or because the new guy, sorry Danny asked for my name. He’s pretty cute too, but to a twelve year old, any guy looks cute. I think I might have a crush in him.

September 21, 2000

Dear diary,

Well dairy its official, I am have a crush. My first crush. It’s the weirdest feeling. Every time I see him all of my insides do back flips. Every time he talks to me I’m either speechless, giggly, or I say something really stupid. I wonder if he likes me too. Oh please diary, make him like me. PLEASE, please, please!

September 23, 2000

Dear diary,

Oh my gosh, diary, you’ll never believe what happened today at lunch. I was sitting at a table with my brother, Adin, my cousin, Adam, and my best friend, Delaney. When Adam sees’s Danny coming from the lunch line. Danny has Adam in his art class. Anyway, he calls Danny to come eat with us. I was thinking “Oh my gosh, what do I do, what do I do?” Then I said to me “Okay Araina, just calm down everything is going to be okay.” I took a deep breath “Alright Araina you can do this, just don’t freak out.” Danny came over to our table and sat down. “Hey guys” he greeted them all, and then he looked at me “Hi, Araina.” When he said that, I started to flip out. “Oh my gosh, he remembered my name. Well of course he would he’s in my class, duh!” I didn’t know what to say to him. “Don’t just sit there like an idiot, say something, anything” so I did. I asked him “so what did you get from the lunch line?” he looked down at his tray. “Pizza” he replied. I smiled, how could I be so stupid? Why didn’t I just say hi back? Why is this so hard? Help me, diary. Tell me what to do. S.O.S diary S.O.S

September 30, 2000

Dear Diary,

Today I’m being you to school with me. Maybe writing about something as it happens; it will give me some idea of what to do later. Oh here he comes, what so I say? Say nothing Araina, just smile. Yeah just do that. He smiles back at me, please tell me I’m not blushing. Got to go, if Mr. Bradford sees me writing, he’ll read it in front of the whole class.

October 2, 2000

Dear diary,

I told you last month that I had a crush on a guy. Emphasis on had! Capital H, capital A, capital D, underline, underline, underline. Delaney said something to Danny that really ticked him off. I can’t really remember what it was she said. I think it was about one of Delaney’s sisters. Anyway his face got really red, and he said things to her that weren’t really nice. I knew right then and there that I didn’t like him anymore. How could he be so mean? I mean, yeah Delaney took it a step too far, but he didn’t have to say those nasty words. I would tell you what they were, but I don’t even want to think about them, much less write about it. I have to stop writing about it, it only makes me madder. I have to go anyway Delaney’s coming over for a sleepover.

October 10, 2000

Dear diary,

Today in class we finished our lesson early, so we had about thirty minutes to kill. So everyone went into their little groups. The preppy girls went into their group, the skaters went to theirs, there’s even the nerds have their own group. I was in the random group, even thou it was just me and Delaney. Anyway we were in the middle of an intense game of flinch, when I looked over her shoulder and saw Danny. He wasn’t sitting with his group of friends; he wasn’t laughing or cracking jokes that were stupidly funny. He was just sitting, watching all of the little cliques gossiping and messing around. I wanted to see what was wrong, but I felt like I had been glued to my chair. I was well aware that Delaney was calling my name, but I stilled ignored her. She tapped my on the shoulder, it made me jump. She asked me what I was starring at, I pointed at Danny. He was sitting alone, in a corner of the room. Delaney asked me what was wrong with him, but I didn’t know. She told me to go find out. I thought she crazy, I haven’t even talked to him in a week, how am I supposed to find out what’s wrong. But I felt a weird feeling in my legs. It was like my brain was saying “no” but my legs were saying “go” I couldn’t control it. I blinked, and I was standing next to him. I looked down at him and asked him if he was okay. He told me was, but I knew he was lying. I asked him if he wanted to talk about it, but he said no, shocker. So we just sat there, neither one of us said anything for the rest of the period. When the bell rang we all gathered up our things and I started heading out the door. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked around and it was Danny. I felt the courage to ask him if he was okay again. He answered me by shaking his head. He said that he wasn’t alright; he was telling me the truth this time. But he still didn’t want to talk about it. So I just told him that I was there if he needed me. I walked out of the room, Danny yelled at me “Hey Araina” I looked at him and he walked up to me. He said “thanks” then he walked away. I think I judged him a little too quickly, diary. He’s actually a really nice guy. Maybe he’ll want to talk to me on Monday, maybe I can help him. I hope he does. Maybe, diary, just maybe he’ll want to be my friend again. Maybe just maybe

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