Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Girl With the Violet Eyes- Creative writing

It all began with a letter, a letter to her father. She wrote,
Dear Father, you mustn’t be angry with Daniel, it was not he who convinced me to journey beyond my forest home. Though you forbade me from ever leaving this plot, my curiosity has overtaken me. I want to know of the land beyond the trees. About the world from wince Daniel came. I want to learn the ways of the people. I want to smell the things I have never smelt, I want to touch things which I have never touched. I want to see the places that I have only read about in books. I need to visit the world beyond the land, beyond the place where the fairies dance, beyond the place where the deathsand lies. Do not worry about me, for I am not alone. Daniel has sworn to protect me from any harm. He makes me wear a head covering, though I cannot say why, and he told to me that I mustn’t look at anyone’s eyes.  I do not understand why he makes me do such things, but a small price must be paid, and so I gladly hide my raven black hair, and shield my violet eyes from strangers.  I trust Daniel, father, you should too. I will come back, though I can’t say when. I promise you that I will return from the world, unharmed,
 With all my love, Acayla
Her father wept, “Foolish girl” he shouted "she knows not of the dangers from that world.”  Jacob thought it best if she never knew about the outside world.
“I knew that this day would come, but I had hoped that it would not be this soon. I should have told her, I should have told her about the world, and how unforgiving it truly is. But it is now far too late to tell her.” He walked out of the cottage,
 “Oh great God, watch over my daughter.” He lends himself against the bare barked tree.
At the edge of the forest, Daniel led Acayla to the forest end. Holding Daniel’s arm Acayla was overcome with anticipation,
“The end of the forest” she proclaimed “Yes, this is where your world meets mine.”  They walked to the tree line, Acayla releases his arm “let’s go!” she pleaded. Daniel quickly pulled her back behind the trees.
“What’s wrong?” she asked “We mustn’t be seen, if we are spotted, people might begin to suspect” he whispered. “Suspect, suspect what?”
  He shushed her “be silent” And she did so.  “Now stay here, and when I call you, you come” He commanded, she nodded in agreement.
Daniel poked his head out; he looked to the left, to the right, and then to the left again. He then slowly walked away from the trees. Acayla thought he looked like a scared chicken, hiding from her father’s ax.  He stopped half-way in the road. He turned and motioned for her to follow, and she did.  Acayla took a deep breath; she closed her eyes and walked away from the world she knew. Daniel grabbed her hand,
“Open your eyes” he told her. Acayla slowly opened her violet eyes. She looked around, and smiled. Daniel released his grip on the girl. She slowly walked away from him, all of a sudden; a rush of joy came over her. She lifted her hands to the sky and danced around.
To the villagers, of Acheronian, they may have thought that she had been acting childish. But Daniel did not speak. He didn’t think that bring her out of the forest, would have affected her in such a way. She paused from her dancing,
“What is that wonderful smell?” she asked Daniel, but he didn’t hear her, so he didn’t respond. “Daniel” she called out.  
He snapped to and walked to her “What is it?”   “Can you smell that?” she asked him, he nodded in agreement. “Let’s find out, come on” Acayla grabbed his arms and started walking towards the smell.
After a short walk up the road, they came across the small village of Acheronian.  Acayla became overwhelmed, at the sight of so many unknown faces. But her thoughts quickly switched when the unknown smell, crept slowly towards her. She had been unaware that Daniel had walked away from her.  
“Acayla” he whispered, she turned to him.
He asked her “Is this what you had smelled?” He was holding a freshly baked apple pie in his hands. Acayla tried to identify the unknown item.
 She scratched her head “what is it?”  “It is called an apple pie” he told her, she laughed “an apple pie, Who ever heard of using apples in a pie?”
 “Would you like to try it?” he asked her. She nodded her head in excitement. They both walked over to where the pies were being sold.   
“One large slice if you please” Daniel told the man.  He cut a large piece and gave it to Daniel. In return, Daniel paid the man; he gave him a silver piece. He thanked the man, and gave the piece to Acayla. She took the pie, and brought it up to her mouth. She took a bite from it, and smiled.
“Do you like it?” Daniel asked her, she swallowed the bit of pie.
She smiled “I have never tasted anything like this in my life.” 
“So you do like it then?” her smile widened “I love it.” Daniel smiled “I knew you would”
But Daniel’s smile quickly faded, when a strange man hurried past him.  Acayla looked at him
“What’s wrong?” she asked him. He put his hand in her shoulder; He whispered
“Keep your head down” Acayla knew that there was something that Daniel wasn’t telling her. Daniel told her
“Stay here, I’ll be back.” He walked to where the strange man ran from.   He stopped in front of a wall, covered with announcements. He spotted a poster, it shocked him.  He pulled it off the wall, but he never realized that Acayla was standing right behind him.
 “What is that?” she asked him. He turned around,
 He shouted to her “I thought I told you to stay by the seller”, Acayla’s face widened, Daniel never raised his voice to her like that, it rendered her speechless.
He covered his face with his hand.  He could tell that he had upset her.
“Acayla, I…I’m sorry…” she interrupted him
“No, no it’s my fault. I should have stayed by the pie seller.” He turned back around, and looked at the poster. Acayla walked up to him. She grabbed the poster from his hand.
 “What is this” she asked, “it is a reward poster. They offer money to people who find criminals.”  Acayla read the poster. It read, reward; two hundred silver pieces. “It has writing on it” Acayla said “To whoever can find the girl with the violet eyes, and hair as black as a raven. You shall be greatly rewarded.” Acayla stared at the paper,
“This is about me, isn’t it?”  Daniel did not answer her; he just stood there in silence.  She read the small written words at the end of the poster, Acayla whispered
“Bring that thing to the town square, dead or alive.”  She grew angry; she crumpled the poster and threw it to the ground. Daniel tried to explain
“Acayla, you mustn’t be angry with the people. They believe anything they are told, wither it be true or not”
She looked at his face “you knew about this, did you not” she demanded, Daniel slowly nodded his head. Acayla scoffed, he tried to explain to her
“Acayla, just listen to me...” “No, Daniel you knew”  “just let me explain…” “You knew!” she sneered. In her angry, she pulled off her head covering that had concealed her black hair. She started into the crowed. Daniel grabbed her arm and pulled her back,
“Acayla, stop, you don’t understand what you are doing”
“Get your hands off of me” but he only gripped her arm harder. He dragged her back, to her he said
“Foolish girl, you know not of what they’ll do” her jaw dropped to the ground, her hand flew across his face
“How dare you!” she stormed away. Daniel followed her, but lost sight of her amongst the people.
Acayla was full of rage, but even in her hour of madness, she could not ignore all of the faces beginning to staring at her. She continued walking towards the edge of town. One man stopped her in her dead in her tracks.  She kept her head low, so that he could not see her face. The man grabbed her shoulders, and shook her. He said to her
“What a pretty penny, I’ll get for you, my dear.” Acayla didn’t say a word; she just kept her head down.
“What’s your name, child?” he asked. She continued to say silent. The man asked again
“Answer me, girl” but when she said nothing, the man flew into a rage.  Acayla could see, more men were gathering around her. The man spoke again
“Look at me, girl” but she, dared not to raise her head. The man grew frustrated with her, with his massive hand; he tugged on Acayla’s black hair. Though she tried not lifting her face, the man was stronger than her. She could now see just how many men, stood around her. Liquid fear ran down her dust ridden face. She thought to her self
“Why did I not listen to Daniel? He knew about this, and he tried to warn me, but I did not listen. This is my fault”   
As her tearstained face was made known, many more people surrounded them. One woman yelled out “it is she, the devil’s condemner” many of the people heard this; they shouted in fear
“Let’s be rid of this devil woman, once and for all”
Acayla couldn’t escape their words, and one by one each man took their fists and rammed them into her. Hitting her in the stomach, in the face, her legs, her arms, everything they could hit, they hit with a force. She tried to pull away from them, but was unable to move, for a man held her up so that she couldn’t reach the ground. With each devastating blow, she cried out in agony.  
She begged them “Stop, please stop” but the blows only increased. She struggled against the mob of men, she continued to cried out “please I beg of you, stop”, just when she thought she was certainly going to die, when she looked to up to the villagers, off in the distance she saw a glimmer of hope, a man. This man was familiar to her, recognizing the man she gathered up all the strength that she had possessed.
She screamed, “DANIEL!”  In hearing his name, he looked for the voice. He saw the people crowding, so he ran over there. He push his way through the multitude of people, when he was to the center, he saw a disgusting sight. Acayla had been beaten severely, she was rendered unrecognizable.
 He called out her name “Acayla” the people looked to him in awe.  He saw a man readying himself for the finial blow, but Daniel grabbed the mans fists, that were just inches away from Acayla’s face.  By some miracle Daniel ran into the tree line, carrying Acayla in his arms.
He said to her “Your father was right, Acayla. I should have brought you here” he knew that she could not hear him, she had been knocked out. “I’m so sorry, Acayla, your father will never forgive me.” Holding Acayla in his arms, they fled into the darkness of her forest home.

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