Tuesday, July 17, 2012

First person short story- Creative writing

I've been traveling for many days now, my knapsack gets lighter and my stomach continues to get louder. My entire body aches, from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. I come to a small village. The streets are covered with horses and wagons. The air here is dry and unbearably hot, except for the occasional cool breezes that flew through the narrow streets. The sun’s jealous fury shoots its blistering rays onto my backs exposed flesh, sweat cascade down my face and neck. The only thing keeping my scalp from dissolving into the dry atmosphere is my thick charcoal hair that sits on top of my head and sticks to my back like mortar.
Slowly I continued walking through the village, looking for any place for me to rest. As I searched I felt something hard suddenly slam into my legs. My knees buckle but I quickly regained my footing. I spun around, I looked for who had hit me but I saw no one. “I swear I saw someone. My mind must be playing tricks in me” I began to think.  A heavy breeze blew through whipping up small rocks and dirt into my eyes. Immediately my eyes began to clear out the dirt and small rocks. I rubbed my eyes with my wrists, but I couldn’t get it all out. I heard someone giggling, but I couldn’t see who it was.
“Great! Not only am I seeing things, but now I’m hearing voices too!” I complained, suddenly the giggling got louder. I looked down and through my dirt filled eyes I could see a little girl. I was relieved
“I knew I wasn’t hearing things” I said to the child, but she kept giggling. “What are you laughing at?” I asked her a little aggravated.  She just gave a wide smile and said,
“If I was as tall as you I wouldn’t have to worry about getting dirt in my eyes, because I could stand and see over the flying dirt and small rocks.” She laughed. I smiled; she was a charming little girl.
“Here” she said. She stood on her tip toes trying to reach my face. I bent down to her size and with a soaked wash cloth she wiped my eyes. I opened them and could see clearly again,
“Thank you” I told her. She smiled and nodded her head. “What’s your name little one?” I asked her curiously. She stared at me with her amethyst eyes,
“My names Ember and actually I’m tall for my age, mister.” She held her hands on her sides trying to look like she was much older than she was.
“Who old are you, Ember?”  She stood as tall as her body would let her. Very sailor like she stated “I am twelve years old, going on thirteen.” I chucked at the sight if her,
“Well” I began “Miss Ember, can you tell me where I can find a good place to rest for the night. I’ve been traveling for many days you see and I need to rest to regain my strength.” She put her hand on her face, rubbing her chin like a man with an itchy beard; she began to pace back and forth. 
“Well there’s…no” she rejected; her face jumped “How about…no can’t ask her.” I stood there as she continued to pace back and forth, but then her face lit up like a bolt of lightning.
“Oh oh,” she said excitedly “maybe you could stay with the Elder; he always has an empty bed. Come on lets go ask him.” She grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me along with her. We walked through the village, passing the butchers and the old women selling fruits and vegetables. We walked past the miller and the cobbler’s shop. Then we came to what looked like a library, there weren’t many books though. Ember shouted
“Asher, you here?” she called out, a voice came from the back of the library and she walked backed there. I began to look around at the piles of books and papers on the table near the windows. Feeling a little curious I looked though some of the papers. There was writing scribbled all over it, I held it closer to my eyes so I could try to understand it. I never suspected that someone was standing behind me.
“Hey!” someone shouted. I spun around and an elderly man stood there, Ember stood behind him.
 “Sorry, sir” I said trying to be sincerer, the old man huffed. Ember pretended to smile at him. I cleared my throat and stepped forward, but when I tried to speak no words came out. So Ember came out from behind him and stood in front of me. I was glad she did, I felt like a fool just standing there with my mouth open and nothing coming out.
“Asher, this man is looking for a place to stay the night. Do you think you could spare a bed, everyone knows you always have an open bed.” I was surprised to see her ask him so bluntly. I looked to the old man; he shrugged his shoulders and tossed around the idea of him staying. Then finally he gave his answer,
“I don’t see why not” the old man smiled.  “Thanks Asher, thank you” Ember shouted, hugging his neck, the old man chuckled. From the front of the library I heard the front door swing open then slam shut.
“Ember?” someone shouted franticly, “Oh no, Nahtura, I completely forgot.”
“Forgot what?” I asked, my questions were soon answered when a young woman came around the shelves. Her soft olive face and dark ivory hair made my blood boil on my face. Even her eyes made mine roll around in my thick skull. It wasn’t until she spoke again that I saw the terror on her face,
“Ember, I know you’re here. Where are you?” I thought to myself “she’s right in front of her, what is she blind?” She held out her arms reaching for anything she could use to guide her. Ember ran over to her side,
“I’m right here Nahtura” she said grabbing her sister’s arm. She jumped when Ember touched her; she took her hand and ran it over the girls face. I couldn’t understand what she was doing.
“Where did you go, father told you to stay by me.” She scolded her; I spoke up in Ember’s defense,
“I’m afraid that’s my fault” the girl looked around
“Who’s there?” she shouted, her eyes widen.
“My names is Alexzavior, I’m just passing through and…” “The Nomad ghost!” she gasped, I was shocked that she knew who I was,
“How did you…?”  Ember interrupted him before he could finish what he was saying,
“We have to go now; it was nice to meet you Alexzavior.” Ember smiled, she held on to her sister’s arm and they walked out the door. I was still confused,
“Why did she ask where Ember was when she was right in front of her?” Asher walked to the table by the windows to clear away the books and papers. 
“And how come when I was talking to her she never looked at my in the eyes?”  Alexzavior asked the Elder.
“Because her world is black” he told her,
“What do you mean, Asher? I asked him,
“I mean she’s blind.” He explained.
“Blind?” I repeated in disbelief. 

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