Sunday, December 23, 2012

My Bucket List

ð        Learn Russian
ð        Go to Moscow
ð        Make/invest in plaid highlighters
ð        Learn the violin
ð        Learn to play the saxophone
ð        Learn a song on the banjo
ð        Write and publish a book
ð        Write a musical
ð        Learn Native American (language)
ð        Learn and sign ASL fluently
ð        Meet Jonny Depp
ð        Make a short film
ð        Be a foster mom
ð        Write a song
ð        Learn the piano
ð        Fly through all of Russia’s time zones
ð        Be in a commercial
ð        Be an extra in a movie
ð        Play a role in a movie
ð        Be a maid-of-honor
ð        Sing the National Anthem at a baseball game
ð        Date an Asian
ð        Meet Julie Andrews
ð        Learn how to speak with a Russian accent
ð        Learn to speak a perfect British accent
ð        Own my own bookstore
ð        Be on Broadway
ð        Visit an Indian reservation in South Dakota
ð        Meet an Indian medicine man/women
ü Make a friend who is Deaf
ð        Date a baseball boy
ð        Go on a date with a guy in the Marines
ð        Go on a date with a guy in the Navy
ð        Date an Indian (Native American)
ð        Meet Hanz Zimmer
ð        Meet Steven Spielburg
ü   Cross something off my bucket list-October 31,2012
ð        Go to Rome
ð        Visit Greece
ð        Be a bridesmaid
ð        Go to Montana just because I can
ð        Own a private jet
ð        Go see Stonehenge
ð        Go on a cruise to Alaska
ð        Go on a cruise to Jamaica
ð        Campout on the Great Wall of China
ð        Have my portrait painted
ð        Be the voice of an animated character
ð        Win a Tony Award
ð        Fall asleep watching the stars
ð        Go on a real camping trip
ð        Get invited to a party and not go to it
ð        Get invited to a party
ð        Dance with a guy in a restaurant with no dance floor in the middles of the day
ð        Have a song written about me
ð        Be awesome on the drums
ð        Be in a flash mob
ð        Get proposed at an Astro’s game on El Grande
ð        Act with Kirk Cameron
ð        Be told that I made a difference
ð        Go on a date where we watch Disney movies
ð        Learn to sew
ü  Be a 1920’s flapper girl for Halloween
ð        Own a legit flapper dress
ð        Design the blueprints for my dream house
ð        Spend the night on the beach waiting for the sunrise
ð        Get kissed on New Year’s Eve
ð        Get a license plate that says: Cheez
ð        Date a guy from a foreign country
ð        Be in a foreign country and told I have an awesome accent
ð        Go on a picnic in a valley of wildflowers
ð        Grow a flower garden with sunflowers as tall as me
ð        Go to a symphony
ð        Have someone get me a gift that they never knew I wanted
ð        Have a music box made using my favorite song
ð        Randomly start performing in a park
ð        Go to Disney World
ð        Be in a photo shoot
ð        Be a mythological creature in a photo shoot
ð        Be in a music video
ð        Buy a horse and name it Chivalry
ð        Learn how to do calligraphy
ð        Make a Christmas CD
ð        Sing in a recording studio
ð        Dance with someone in a rainstorm
ð        Touch the base of the Eiffel Tower
ð        Go to a concert
ð        Be in love
ð        Actually enjoy Valentine’s Day
ð        Have a memorable first kiss
ð        Fall in love with a guy whose my best friend
ð        Learn to play the cello
ð        Learn to play the flute
ð        Be in a Disney movie
ð        Start a comic book collection
ð        Write a screen play
ð        Someone shout “daaaaame!!” when I walk by
ð        Make the Dean’s list
ð        See snow on Christmas
ð        Have a snowball fight
ð         Get all of Bing Crosby’s records
ð        Make a collection of Danny Kaye’s films
ð        Watch a silent film with friends and make up the dialogue
ð        Go mattress surfing
ð        Design a knock-out dress
ð        Learn to belly-dance
ð        Learn to Salsa
ð        Learn to Latin dance
ð        Figure out Morse Code
ü Be giving a sign name
ð        Go to Italy just to eat the pasta
ð        Go to Radio City Music Hall
ð        Lift my leg above my head while standing
ð        Go to a public place and pretend to be Deaf
ð        Own recording equipment
ü  Learn something new about myself
ð        Have a room completely covered in mirror’s like a dance studio
ð        Go karaokeing and rock the house
ð        Get a standing ovation
ð        Be given an encore
ð        Learn to swing dance
ð        See The Lion King on Broadway
ð        See Wicked on Broadway
ð        Perform “Be Prepared” on stage before a large audience
ð        Perform at the Apollo
ð        Go see a Deaf theatre performance
ð        Perform in a Deaf theater
ð        Learn the guitar
ð        Go to Bollywood
ð        Buy $10 worth of food and pay with quarters, nickels, and dimes
ü  Convince someone I’m from another country
ð        Throw the first pitch at a baseball game
ð        Learn to sing harmony
ð        Learn to sight read
ð        Learn to read music
ð        Have a black friend corn-roll my hair
ð        Eat fried oreo’s
ð        Eat fried ice cream
ð        Make tee-shirts. 

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